Monday, April 2, 2007

Banyule Netball Stadium - A Rigid Base Portal Frame

The Banyule Netball Stadium is a large sporting facility constructed using a portal frame. The exterior is clad in a combination of painted concrete panels and corrugated steel sheeting. For a large sporting facility it is quite a good looking building. The designers have obviously tried to add some architectural merit to the building using standard materials such as concrete panels and corrugated steel.

This photo shows the rigid apex joint. Resting on the rafter is the safety mesh and the sarking. It is also possible to see the roof sheeting.

This photo shows a 'Z' section purlin attached to a cleat. The cleat is attatched to the rafter and prevents the purlin tipping back once the load is applied.


Bracing at end bars. Windows are not necessary in this building so bracing at the end bars is not a problem. 45 degree roof bracing is also visible in this photo.

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