Thursday, April 12, 2007

Article Review

'Building the Green Credentials' by Michelle Draper and Marc Pallisco

This article appeared in the business section of the Age on 11.4.07.

It outlines how Lend Lease will be the first commercial developer to build a 6 star rated 'green' building in Melbourne.

The design aims to reduce the amount of energy of energy consumed by 46% compared to existing A-grade buildings.

The artcile outlines how the designers plan to acheive such a significant reduction in energy consumption.

It is very interesting to note that the construction of such energy efficient buildings is being driven by the demand for such buildings from tenants.

Local councils are also offering financial incentives to developers to opt for energy efficient buildings.

Hopefully strong tenancy rates and government incentive schemes are enough to persuade developers such as Lend Lease commit to the extra costs in building a 6 star rated building.

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